Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Factors Influence Gang Behavior Research Paper

What Factors Influence Gang bearing - Research Paper ExampleIn order to be able to solve this problem, it is important to take in the footings or the root causes of gang behavior with the intention of trying to prevent new gang membership, slice at the same time embarking on a mission to dismantle the already existing ones. This physical composition is a critical evaluation of the factors that work on gang behavior. Factors that Influence.Human beings are born innocent, free of sins and incapable of devising any decision. However, as they continue to grow, they are faced with numerous challenges raging from family issues to other environmental factors, which find their innocent minds either into becoming responsible persons or the worst of criminals in the society. To begin with, parents contribute a significant percentage towards the success or failure of a child in terms of behavior. This is out-of-pocket to the fact that they act as immediate role models and a source of i nspiration for their growing children. It is for this reason that Carlie (2002) observes that poor parentage is a major contributing factor to gang behavior. For example, if one or two parents are gang members, more often than not, it becomes likely that their children will follow that route. This whitethorn be worse in families that are dysfunctional and which are characterized by numerous cases of domestic conflicts and child abuse. The rationale of this statement is that if a child is subjected to these factors, he will grow up believing that violence is a justness and unless this mentality is changed through proper guidance and counseling, then, the child would have neither a reason nor the keystone to refrain from joining violent organizations. Outside family circles, growing up children and youths are influenced by peer storm to engage in antisocial behavior, which may include gang membership. Peer pressure refers to the powerful influence that a group of people in the s ame age group have on each other. In this context, it has been noted that people tend to acquire the behaviors of other members of their social groups as a mode of trying to fit into those groups. This factor has been blamed on other negative behaviors such as alcohol and drug abuse, fornication, among others and gang membership cannot be excluded from this list. According to (2010), young people are very temptable to peer pressure. One reason for this is that young people always want to identify with friends and when it comes to choosing between familiarity and conscience, most of them will definitely choose friendship even if it means that they would have to tolerate and ingest themselves in criminal activities. In the US, it is a fact that gang membership is highly prevalent in schools and even if a child comes from a family that is opposed to gang membership and activities, he or she may end up joining the gangs so as not to be rejected or chevvy by his or her peers ( 2010). Poverty is blamed for numerous atrocities and gang behavior is one of such. Everyone wants to lead a comfortable life, to drive beautiful cars, drink high quality beer or wine, to live in a luxurious home among others. Whereas it is difficult for a normal civilian, especially from poor neighborhoods, to acquire these items, it is highly

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