Monday, April 29, 2019

International marketing 4200 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International marketing 4200 - Research motif ExampleThe nature of the new product ready for introduction to the market conforms to the taste and preference of this grow group (CIA). The population in the target group is the power consumers of the new product as it suits their lifestyle. check to a recent survey in UAE, both residents and expatriates use about 19.59% in communication and transport, objet dart food, drinks, and beverages constitutes about 14,91% of the household income. These figures correspond to the target age group, between 20 and 49. The survey further shows that the bonny household per month is 11,241.20 Arab Emirate Dollars. The purpose of the survey was to study the spending patterns and distribution on major operate and commodities to help define social and economic policies. The results of the survey show that the number national household outlay and income has increased to exceed double that of non-national households. The report indicates that the av erage monthly expenditure for national is AED 22,989, while the average income if AED 36,438.10. On the other hand, non-nationals have an average expenditure of AED 9,645.40 and an income of AED 15,074.30. Majority of the working population falls down the stairs the target age group between 20 and 49 years, accounting for 43.40% of the workforce (CIA).According to the CIA records, the push back force of eth country falls under three major occupations, which include agriculture, constancy, and services. Agriculture employs 7% of the workforce, the industry takes 15% of the labor market, and services takes the remaining 78%. The new product targets the industry occupation, which accounts for 15% of the absolute workforce. The CIA records further indicate that the total UAE labor force is about 4.111 million, with 85% of the force being expatriates. This thus implies that the total target population in the industry occupation is 616,650, (4.11m by 15%). This is a turgid enough po pulation

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