Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Domestic violence and human rights reserch Research Paper

Domestic violence and human rights reserch - Research wallpaper ExampleChildren be likewise thought to be mishandled about as frequently as spouses. The immemorial also compose an identifiable group of abuse victims whose rights argon violated and neglected. Often they are targets of the frustrations of family members who are presumed to care for them. In this regard, the essay is written with the objective of presenting relevant issues about domestic help abuse as a human rights violation. Likewise, the discourse would discuss proposed ways to address and possible prevent this dilemma. Definition of name According to UNICEF (2000), The United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (1993) defines violence against women as any exertion of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or distraint to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occ urring in public or in reclusive life (UNICEF, 2). The same source defines domestic violence as violence perpetrated by intimate partners and otherwise family members, and manifested through physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse, economic abuse and acts of omission (ibid.). ... ed, fear of and control over female sexuality, belief in the inherent superiority of males, and legislation and cultural sanctions that turn out traditionally denied women and children an separatist legal and social status (UNICEF, 7). Situations where imposition of inequality of power towards another person deemed to possess failing either in physical strength, educational achievement, economic status, or perceived demographic factors (age, race, culture) have change magnitude tendencies for domestic violence. Consequences The most crucial effect of domestic violence as revealed by various studies is the disaffirmation of human rights (UNICEF, 8). Further, domestic violence creates damagi ng repercussions to victims in the form of physical health injuries, mental health dilemmas and even fatal outcomes, such as death or contracting HIV/AIDS. There are also socio-economic cost identified to be associated with domestic violence, such as medical costs for treatment, equity enforcement costs, lower labor productivity, and decreased quality of life (ibid, 13). Prevention Strategies Due to the delicate nature and context of the dilemma, domestic violence should be addressed with stringent vigilance and immediate action. The hesitation to report domestic violence due to fear, lack of resources or support systems, or ignorance exacerbate the ability of community workers and authorities institutions to apply the necessary strategies and interventions to prevent these abusive incidences. The Study Coordinator for WHO, Dr. Claudio Garcia Moreno averred that domestic violence can be prevented and governments and communities lack to mobilize to fight this widespread public h ealth problem (WHO, par. 10). The fact remains that women, children and the elderly have kept their silence about domestic

Monday, April 29, 2019

International marketing 4200 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International marketing 4200 - Research motif ExampleThe nature of the new product ready for introduction to the market conforms to the taste and preference of this grow group (CIA). The population in the target group is the power consumers of the new product as it suits their lifestyle. check to a recent survey in UAE, both residents and expatriates use about 19.59% in communication and transport, objet dart food, drinks, and beverages constitutes about 14,91% of the household income. These figures correspond to the target age group, between 20 and 49. The survey further shows that the bonny household per month is 11,241.20 Arab Emirate Dollars. The purpose of the survey was to study the spending patterns and distribution on major operate and commodities to help define social and economic policies. The results of the survey show that the number national household outlay and income has increased to exceed double that of non-national households. The report indicates that the av erage monthly expenditure for national is AED 22,989, while the average income if AED 36,438.10. On the other hand, non-nationals have an average expenditure of AED 9,645.40 and an income of AED 15,074.30. Majority of the working population falls down the stairs the target age group between 20 and 49 years, accounting for 43.40% of the workforce (CIA).According to the CIA records, the push back force of eth country falls under three major occupations, which include agriculture, constancy, and services. Agriculture employs 7% of the workforce, the industry takes 15% of the labor market, and services takes the remaining 78%. The new product targets the industry occupation, which accounts for 15% of the absolute workforce. The CIA records further indicate that the total UAE labor force is about 4.111 million, with 85% of the force being expatriates. This thus implies that the total target population in the industry occupation is 616,650, (4.11m by 15%). This is a turgid enough po pulation

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sustainability analysis of urban agriculture in Beijing, China Research Paper

Sustainability analysis of urban factory farm in Beijing, chinaware - Research Paper ExampleThe agricultural sector is the main stage for producing food worldwide. Historically, agricultural intersection has managed to satisfy the food demands from a rapidly increasing community. However, the scenario at present is totally reversed. There is an obvious decrease of food supply leaving over 1 million people hungry. Jiang stated that the external Fund for Agriculture Development projected that the food supply will need to join on by 60% to sustain mankind . The dilemma on food production can be tightly connected with the increasing rate of urbanization. The rapid haveth of the world economy and expvirtuosontial increase in the world race may be considered as some of the reasons for the increasing urban areas. Associated with this change is a large shift of human activities towards the urban areas with significant effects on the agricultural sector. In 2008, the unsophisticate d population has been exceeded by the urban population for the first time. The worlds urban population as projected by the United Nations will continue to grow by more than a billion people between 2010 and 2025, while the rural population which is viewed to be the agricultural producers, will hardly grow at all. The insignificant growth in rural areas can suggest that the proportion of the global population may not suffice the demands of increasing population not producing food (Satterthwaite et. al. 2809). One way to increase the food availability especially on cities is through urban horticulture as an alternative for received agricultural food production in rural areas. This method of food production can be done both in urban and peri-urban areas where it is expected to be integrated into the economic and ecological arranging (RUAF Foundation par. 1). One of the countries that have enormous population in urban areas is chinaware. According to Chinas National Bureau of Statis tics 2009, the number of urban residents in China had already reached 622 million - a population well over twice the size of the entire U.S. but still just 47% of Chinas total (Kwan par.1). Around the many very large and fast-growing cities in China, Beijing is one of the cities wherein intensification of agricultural production is taking place at an accelerated pace (Wolf et. al. 142). In this regard, it is reported that the republic will push forward urbanization in an active and stable manner, focusing on gradually transferring farmers qualified for urban household permits into cities (China expects urbanization rate to be at 51.5% by 2015 par. 2). This opens the opportunity for China to adopt urban agriculture. In fact, Beijing has an increased adoption peri-urban agriculture since 1950s. The technology be to sustain some non-staple foods such as milk and vegetables and improved the quality of food available as opposed to quantity in the city (Jianming 40). Despite of the go od news that urban agriculture brought to the food supply chain, one must also examine its sustainability. As part of the worlds intensification of agriculture to increase productivity, maximum concern must be placed for the long-term environmental and economic sustainability (Gilis par. 3). It has been outlined by Gold (par. 4) of United States Department of Agriculture that sustainability in agriculture involves the long-term integrated arrangement of plant and animal production that will satisfy human needs, arouse environmental quality and inbred resources found on agricultural economy, efficiently use of nonrenewable resources and on-site resources, sustain economic viability and enhance the quality of life of farmers and society as a whole. This paper aims to analyze the existing urban agriculture and its contribution to the development of the region. The impact of practicing agriculture in urban areas of Beijing, China will be assessed based on the economic, social and en vironmental aspects as its sustainability

Saturday, April 27, 2019

People Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

People worry - Essay ExampleThe essay People Management compares and contrasts the differences between the Contract of Employment and the Psychological Contract. Also, this paper explains the factors that influence the transfer of HR practices across a multinational company and describes four stages of systematic training model.It is evident that the two categories of employment are both(prenominal) considered forms of kinds established between an employer and an employee. Being contracts, they have a limited specified time. There is no cheek of security as the contract can be terminated any time with as less(prenominal) as one days notice- demonstrating its lack of security and sustainability. Some have a detail task being undertaken and when accomplished, the employment sizes until further notice. Being recalled back to work is not a countenance as the employer may recruit a different set of employees depending on previous performance and the relationship established. Conseque ntly, psychological contract can be defined as a mutual relationship alert between an employer and their employees and is based on informal agreement between the two concerned parties. Contract employment, on the other hand, is considered as employment with clear terms and conditions that dictate the nature of the position offered including roles and responsibilities as well(p) as salary paid. The psychological contract is established via informal arrangements and the conditions of work are determined on mutual grounds-between the employer and employee.

Friday, April 26, 2019

PISCO Model Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

PISCO Model - Case Study ExampleThis paper stresses that thus using the PISCO worry solving model going to be highlighted below, the study would attempt to critically analyse the dilemma go close to Lael Matthews in selecting the ideal dealdidate to promote among three managers. According to Edward, the PISCO model is comprised of steps that seek to identify a problem, input to the cause of the problem, solution, choice as well as operational goal of the choice made. In this case, the two major problems facing Lael Matthews include race and gender related issues which are seen as impediments in the efforts by the management in their efforts in appraisals especially for promotional posts to senior positions within mountainous and often reputable organisations. For instance, Liz is an African American and a female at the same time which would harass eyebrows once she is given the opportunity to grab the position given that she would be the first person to cut back such a high post within the organisation. Indeed, she has the energy to perform provided due to her linguistic context whereby her race is looked down upon, she could not rise to high level expectations. Compared to Liz, Roy is privileged to have attained higher qualification from a prestigious private college and has been in the company for a long period but comparatively, his energy is lower than Liz. At the same time, Quang is intense but can only be hampered by virtue of her race as well as gender. She also has links to upper management which can give her unfair advantage over others. Therefore, in making an informed ethical decision about the right candidate to promote, the above issue ought to be objectively considered in order to come up with a capable candidate who has the capacity to perform the task.

Ceramics Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ceramics Art - Essay ExampleThe colours move into each former(a) in delicate swirls from greens, browns, blues and turquoise to blacks, whites, beige and mustard. A small spout with brown and nauseous turquoise glaze is placed on one side of the pot, and a dome shaped lid in shades of brown fits in snugly. A tiny turquoise handle with a diminished black button is at an angle to the spout, and extrudes out of the bulge. The entire egg shape tapers down to a very tiny black foot.The irreducible essence of a teapot is its function, in terms of cultural and sympathetic ritual terms. By taking away from this teapot its utility, Swindell does not add a conceptual dimension, or vestigial elements to suggest a different meaning, in the manner of poststructural art, where the lack of function becomes a metaphor for something else in the artists dictionary. The teapot is still just a teapot, quaint, not functional, but definitely a teapot.This teapot is indeed an example of organic art, i n a class of its own. Far removed from post-modern jargon and innuendoes, its expressive criteria are not in tune with the deconstructive and discursive atmosphere of contemporary arts practice. As Bernard Kerr says, By overly conceptualising our excogitate we runnel the risk of losing the special somatic and sensual qualities that make the ceramic arts unique and special.(Kerr, 2005). When viewing Swindells work the correct questions to ask would be whether it is a beautiful, nostalgic piece of evanescence made tangible. Swindell seems to capture the volatile overhear of disposition in this piece, which emerges with new, subtle meanings every eon you look at it. Though out time potters give sought to create man made ceramic forms, which echo the sensibilities of nature, sometimes by mimicking nature or through stylisation and abstraction. The history of ceramics is filled with organic masterpieces. (Thames & Hudson, 2001)It does not bugger off enforced declared and implici t narratives, and it exists not to faithfully portray the tragedies of existence but seeks to alleviate them through beauty in art. As he himself puts it, Although political and cultural statements have become fashionable with visual artists I do not make work with a conscious message, preferring to deal with the abstract qualities of Art.(Swindell, 2005)To me it is a piece that seems to modify under the eye, to ripple and move if I look at it long enough, and I want to beak it up to trace its contours to assure myself it is real. Its structure is engineered and precise, but the surface and colours bring back memories of arenaceous beaches, worm casts, patterns seen on sand, and lulling waves. This marriage of the man-made and natural has evolved over time, as some of his earlier exhibits have also exuded similar qualities His vision is much broader than the coat of the work initially suggests. He brings together shapes, motifs and surface qualities that simultaneously manage to be evocative of both the natural and man made worlds. (Jeffery Jones, 2003)Tea and teapots have been a comforting part of our culture ever since they were introduced in England. A teapot evokes warmth, security and reassurance, and the diminutive size reinforces this feeling of intimacyTeapots traditionally belong in a familiar domestic environment, where potters have eternally had a significant role in reflecting social fashion and culture by providing ware for

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Market Model Patterns of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market Model Patterns of Change - Essay ExampleThis piece aptly examines the patterns of change in the Wal-Mart marketplace model. Wal-Mart is a perfect fount of a vocation operate in an oligopolistic market structure. This is because they have low prices in the market enabling them compete healthily with different business enterprisees dealing in similar products/services. Secondly, Wal-Mart operates with fewer sellers in the market giving them mutual interdependence everyplace the other firms in the business. The long term effect of Wal-Mart operating an oligopoly pull up stakes result to rise of economies of scale.This is because they forget take advantage of having been in the markets to put barriers to other business wishing to join the business. Secondly, Operating beneath oligopoly market structure, Wal-Mart may collude to form a monopoly form of market structure, therefore, dictating their terms in the market. As a oblivious term effect, Wal-Mart lead be forced t o renew their strategies of working because they will be facing different competitors in the market (Roberts & Berg, 2012). Secondly, Wal-Mart will enjoy controlling its market share for short period of time, but because the market is free for other to join, they will soon lose their popularity in the market as new firm producing same products will be cropping up to share the market it enjoyed. An example is that today, Wal-Mart may holds a substantial share in the market by its products but the case will be different in a year or two because there will be other new companies providing same products and at even better quality. There are various factors touch on the degree of competiveness of Wal-Mart. They involve both internal, external and delegations and functions of the management. The productive measures affecting Wal-Mart competitiveness is their capability in retailing. The business has various stores situated in various strategic places. These stores seek their profits by r etailing their products by high volumes and using low mark-ups to give them a competitive advantage over other business dealing in the same line of products. Secondly, Wal-Mart achieves their competitiveness owing to their standardized pallets, tight delivery schedules and computerized tracking. This has minded(p) them an edge over many businesses dealing in the same line since they are not in a position to raise enough capital to ensure efficiency in the systems. They are withal able to use their technology as a source of marketing, therefore, minimize on their revenue spending. Thirdly, Wal-Mart prices pass a significant role in influencing their activities and encouraging their competitiveness to other businesses. This is because it is an economy of scale, therefore, they purchase newfangled materials at a much cheaper price compared to other businesses that are not yet economies of scale. They also send their stock to a large numbers of stalls located strategically hence m inimizing cost relate to transport and other related activities. Being an economy of scale, Wal-Mart is offering prices for its products that cannot rejected by the customers and in the serve up enjoys a large customer base for their products/services (Dunne, 2011). An accurate price determination of Wal-Marts competitors will significantly influence pricing decisions in Wal-Mart. The two chief competitors of Wal-Mart include

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Battle of Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down) - Essay ExampleThe mission aimed to pilfer several top lieutenants and significantly warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid then return to base. The operation intended to last for 90 minutes. The lam provides insightful and original analysis of the commanders performance, based on establishing cohesive teams through rough-cut trust, use of mission orders, and accepting prudent risk.On 3rd October 1993, Task Force Ranger, U.S. Special operations Forces comprised of Bravo Company 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (better known as Delta Force) operators, and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), (The Night Stalkers), attempted to capture Aidids foreign minister Omar Salad Elmi and his top political advisor, Mohamed Hassan Awale.The Special Forces elements involved lightly armed warriors fielding milling machinery guns, automatic rifles, and light machine guns1. Delta Forces members ha d variety ofi assault rifles whilst Army Rangers depended on the support of squad-level, small-caliber machine guns in the M60 and M249 SAW. In addition, Heavily-caliber, vehicle-mounted 0.50 quality weapons were on lightly armored HUMVEE vehicles. However, main line of heavy support beat in the air cover provided by Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk medium transport and Hughes OH-6 Little razzing light helicopters. The Black Hawks outfitted a pair of 0.50-caliber heavy machine guns while Little Birds fielded a collection of mini-guns, rocket pods, or M60 machine guns as needed.The Somali militias used AK-47s, rocket propelled grenade launchers (RPG-7), automatic rifles. They convoyed in improvised fighting vehicles. During this period, the Somali guerillas gained several tactical advantages over the US Special Forces. First, the Somali militias enmeshed on familiar grounds, leaders could muster an Army of several thousand men, and boys in short order. Second, their civil appearance

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hospitality Mangement - Destination Report - Comprehensive Report Assignment

Hospitality Mangement - Destination write up - Comprehensive Report - Assignment ExampleSanta Fe is the capital city of Mexico, and doubles up as the oldest capital city in the U.S. it is recognized as a chief tourist destination owe to its climate which supports multiple outdoor activities such as skiing in winter, and hiking in other seasons (Santa Fe n.p.). In addition, it hosts many cultural activities, and has an historic downtown which is also a tourist attraction. There be famous names originating from the region such as Antonio Lopez who is famous for playing a big place in Mexicos gain of independence, Anna Gunn who is a popular actor on screen and stage, and Jeremy Rau Valdez who is famous for his awards and roles in television and film roles.One challenge to the tourist destination is the standoff between Hispanics and whites, who create latent hostility with their rivalry, thus sc atomic number 18 away tourists (Caffey, 13). The peak seasons in Santa Fe are during win ter, which is around Christmas when there are much skiing and snow-related activities. The upset season is experienced in summer, around March when temperatures can ca-ca 55 degrees. The airfare and hotel rates vary similarly with season with the rates escalating during high seasons, and being moderate during low seasons. Activities supported in Santa Fe include hiking, biking, mountaineering and skiing.There is much to see as swell such as the Canyon Road which hosts most of Mexican heritage and historical sites such as the St. Francis of Assisi Basilica and the Plaza. Nightlife in this destination is mostly marked with music and live performances offered in the restaurants, clubs and bars. People call together and socialize in such places. There are numerous festivals held in Santa Fe such as the International Folk Art Market at Museum Hill, the Santa Fe Film festivals in December, and the Pueblo Winter feed Days and Dances in January. There are hundreds of food palaces offer ing

Monday, April 22, 2019

Researching Consumer Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Researching Consumer Behavior - Essay pillow slipConsumer behavior research has found out that with slew broadening their minds and the urge for doing something different from the rest of the flock around them, have let to something termed as clothing optional cruise. Consumer enjoys fun and love to experience untested things in their life. independence is one of the important aspects which have given rise to this research. The clothing optional cruises get a member to experience freedom oh seas. These cruises are open to adults so they can strip absent the stress of their life when on the cruise and experience something different. Consumer behavior aims to research on the issues that a consumer world power face along with the ongoing trends. The main issue prevailing is stress and to avoid the stress large number might go to any extend they want. People go for vacations, hangout with their love ones and so on. Freedom is one thing that was missing in the lives of the people and the future trend of enjoying life gave rise to the predilection of offering clothing optional cruises.The most viable data that might be founded out that people do love when the marketers offer something new and different to the audience. People are actually bored of their fooling routine so something new and existing would definitely arouse interest on the target audience. tog optional cruises have been popular since the 1970s but at recent times it has received a huge popularity. Because of the popularity of much(prenominal) an offering and since it has been accepted by the audience many companies have started to offer pilgrimage on clothing optional.The strategies adopted by marketer were just to offer something that would be a mean(a) of enjoyment for the people. There were already cruises and people were traveling on them but clothing optional cruises did induce the people and thus became a huge success. The cruises offer all the facilities and mostly sail to sunny locations such as Caribbean, Germany, and France where people could enjoy. Seeing people acceptance and

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Homework wk 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Homework wk 4 - Assignment ExampleA short-term add is a loan given for at most a three-year period. An overdraft is where the bank allows a customer to overdraw money from the bank, which happens inside the banks limits. A variable rate of interest is charged on the amount the corporation is overdrawn on workaday basis.Short-term borrowing has a self-liquidating nature, where the company gets short-term loans, uses it get more inventory that in pervert promote production of more final product to meet demand. Receivables as a result of the gross revenue thereafter, become cash which is used to pay for the seasonal short-term loan and cover related semipermanent financing costs.These sources of liquidity involve an agreement between a credit offering facility and the company. Therefore, a variable or fixed rate interest is always charged according to the policies and terms and conditions of the lender.With the one-year average purchases and the average accounts payable it is possib le to get accounts payable turnover ratio which is the number of quantify the accounts payable are turned over or purchases paid for in a

Saturday, April 20, 2019

What Factors Influence Gang Behavior Research Paper

What Factors Influence Gang bearing - Research Paper ExampleIn order to be able to solve this problem, it is important to take in the footings or the root causes of gang behavior with the intention of trying to prevent new gang membership, slice at the same time embarking on a mission to dismantle the already existing ones. This physical composition is a critical evaluation of the factors that work on gang behavior. Factors that Influence.Human beings are born innocent, free of sins and incapable of devising any decision. However, as they continue to grow, they are faced with numerous challenges raging from family issues to other environmental factors, which find their innocent minds either into becoming responsible persons or the worst of criminals in the society. To begin with, parents contribute a significant percentage towards the success or failure of a child in terms of behavior. This is out-of-pocket to the fact that they act as immediate role models and a source of i nspiration for their growing children. It is for this reason that Carlie (2002) observes that poor parentage is a major contributing factor to gang behavior. For example, if one or two parents are gang members, more often than not, it becomes likely that their children will follow that route. This whitethorn be worse in families that are dysfunctional and which are characterized by numerous cases of domestic conflicts and child abuse. The rationale of this statement is that if a child is subjected to these factors, he will grow up believing that violence is a justness and unless this mentality is changed through proper guidance and counseling, then, the child would have neither a reason nor the keystone to refrain from joining violent organizations. Outside family circles, growing up children and youths are influenced by peer storm to engage in antisocial behavior, which may include gang membership. Peer pressure refers to the powerful influence that a group of people in the s ame age group have on each other. In this context, it has been noted that people tend to acquire the behaviors of other members of their social groups as a mode of trying to fit into those groups. This factor has been blamed on other negative behaviors such as alcohol and drug abuse, fornication, among others and gang membership cannot be excluded from this list. According to myelsie.org (2010), young people are very temptable to peer pressure. One reason for this is that young people always want to identify with friends and when it comes to choosing between familiarity and conscience, most of them will definitely choose friendship even if it means that they would have to tolerate and ingest themselves in criminal activities. In the US, it is a fact that gang membership is highly prevalent in schools and even if a child comes from a family that is opposed to gang membership and activities, he or she may end up joining the gangs so as not to be rejected or chevvy by his or her peers (myelsie.org 2010). Poverty is blamed for numerous atrocities and gang behavior is one of such. Everyone wants to lead a comfortable life, to drive beautiful cars, drink high quality beer or wine, to live in a luxurious home among others. Whereas it is difficult for a normal civilian, especially from poor neighborhoods, to acquire these items, it is highly

Week 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

week 9 - Essay ExampleThis is very critical to the audit process. It has been combined with foundational concepts. However, I think that moral philosophy it should be the only matter dealt with in this chapter. Since independence falls under this heading it should also be included. The importance of independence has been stressed in a make sense of instances and the lack of it has been blamed for a number of events.In relation to independence an auditor should never be required to give an opinion on his own work. If the same auditors are set-aside(p) in setting up internal controls inclusive of study controls they may be pressured by their colleagues against reporting on the discovery of major weakness. The auditor engaged in giving an opinion on how management has carried out their responsibilities and giving an opinion should non be engaged in any former(a) activity with the entity. Therefore the standards need to go further in not allowing any other work whatsoever as it cer tainly will affect independence. This matter should be ted into threats and safeguards. The best safeguard is to quit. There will therefore be no consideration of some of the other matters which relating to the provision of non-audit services.In relation to quality control issues the extra requirement to include systems that address supernumerary areas is a step in the right direction as all areas of an organization should be monitored as they affect the financial and other aspects and are therefore interrelated. If there is no proper leadership past the system of control will break down since management will be ineffective.In harm of the elimination of requirements already included in AICPA this will leave room for additional requirements to be added later. The additional guidance is important as it addresses the need for technical assistance. However, it might have been beneficial for those who prefer to get wind as much as possible in one place if the rules were not

Friday, April 19, 2019

A comparison of the environmental effects of using nuclear energy and Essay

A comparison of the environmental effects of use nuclear cogency and coal verve - Essay ExampleA comparison of the environmental effects of using nuclear energy and coal energySince the year 1974, there has been no new consideration breaking for setting up new nuclear power plants although a number of nuclear nuclear reactor units have a bun in the oven been constructed at these plants. However, there has recently been a revival of interest in nuclear energy and this new interest has largely been fostered by the Nuclear Power 2010 Program, which was established in the year 2000. on that point has been an increase in the number of nuclear reactors being constructed since 2010 in existing power plants, such as the one at Watts Bar, Tennessee. In spite of the resurgence of interest in nuclear energy, most of the projects, which have been set up for the construction of nuclear reactors have been recently cancelled. This is mainly due to the economic challenges that atomic number 1 8 currently gripping the nation as well as the negative reaction that came in the arouse of the recent nuclear accidents in Japan. Officials in the nuclear industry state that they only expect intimately five new nuclear reactors to be working in the next eight years because of the hindrances, which have made most of their projects to stall.Since the beginning of its usage, there has been a lot of debate about the use of nuclear power in the United States and this has recently intensified due to talk of a coming renascence in the use of nuclear energy (Terzo 1). Some of the most hotly debated issues concerning the use of nuclear energy have been matters concerning the public safety.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Imogene King Theory of Goal Attainment Assignment

Imogene King Theory of Goal Attainment - Assignment ExampleHer success comes from her treat conceptual system of rules and the goal attainment goal. King developed this possibility while trying to reiterate a new graduate program content. Its basic purpose is to aid patients to achieve, maintain or get their health. Her theory assumes that the focus in nursing is caring for human beings, while its goal is individual and stem healthc ar. According to this theory, human beings continuously interact with their environment, basically because humans are open systems (George, 2008). She links the theory to goal attainment, which assumes that communication between a take up and a client results in information gathering, which helps them differentiate mutual goals and aids in acting on the goals. She argues that everyone recognizes the world as a total soul in formulating transactions between the environment and the individual. The transaction in this theory refers to the fundamental interaction between the percipient and the object perceived. In this transaction, the person gets into the position as an active participant, after which each is transformed from the experiences. Nurse-client interaction leads to certain assumptions. The first assumption is that the interaction between the two is influenced by their respective learnings. The client and nurse goals and values influence the interaction process, clients ingest a right to information concerning them, clients should participate in decisions that have an impact on their lives, community, and health, and finally, that it is normal for clients and nurses goals to be incongruent. Human beings have three crucial health need the need for health information, care services to prevent illness and care services when they are unable to help themselves. This theory has two major concepts the Interacting and the concepts provided for each system. The interacting systems include personal systems, interpersonal s ystems and the social system (Wills and McEwen, 2002). 2.0 Point by point Critical analysis of the theory 2.1 Major concepts Concepts for personal systems includes perception, self, growth, and development, body image, property and time. Interpersonal system concepts include interaction, communication, transaction, role, and stress. Finally, the social system concept includes organization, authority, power, status and decision making. King defines perception as a concept, which influences the overall behavior of a human being. Ultimately, it is the concept upon which all other relationships too. comprehension is also a process where an individual obtains personal data through his or her senses, and from which, the individual organizes his or her memory interprets it and transforms the obtained data. The self characteristics refer to the dynamic individual, whose is motivated to achieve their goals by several open systems. The self-includes feelings and thoughts that are linked to the individuals awareness of being an independent person. The thoughts and feelings also influence the individuals perception of him/herself. The characteristics of body image are subjective, dynamic, learned and very personal. The body image characteristics usually adjustment over time in relation to the individuals redefinition of the self. Space, on the other hand, is a global concept, whose definition depends on the individual. It is difficult to define space because culture influences an individual understands of space.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Extended Time Out in Operation Rooms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Extended cadence Out in Operation Rooms - Essay ExampleHowever, despite those ongoing communications protocols, the effectiveness of those safety device strategies is still unknown.Wrong site surgery can cause extremely bad outcomes, which may epitome from performing surgery on the wrong side of the body and delayed the necessary treatments to amputating the wrong wooden leg then the patient is suffering both physically and psychologically. In order to correct better outcomes and hold open those preventable working(a) mistakes, an extended surgical timeout (STO), also called second time out was implanted into the health care system. This dissertation discusses the effectiveness of the extended STO out based on evidence from research and exemplar studies, and it also explores the interventions used to reduce risks of wrong site surgery. This dissertation also analyzes patient who is allergic to epinephrin and how extended surgical time out improved their quality of care.The article, The extended surgical time-out does it improve quality and prevent wrong-site surgery? focuses on pediatric surgery and review the results of the implementation of an extended surgical time out. The members of Harbor-UCLA Medical Centre implemented extended surgical time out beginning January 2006. The protocol included confirming a patients ID, anesthetic, and technical details, medications administered and the available ones and the need for special equipment and occupation products (Lee, 2010). The impacts of implementing surgical timeout were then studied before induction of anesthesia and surveys of both before and after implementing the pre-induction STO were recorded. The results of this culture showed that there were no significant differences in elapsed time to incision for both urgent and electoral operations and after implementing pre-induction surgical timeout (Lee, 2010).

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Success In Writing Essay Example for Free

Success In Writing Essay insouciant more and more people try to make a profession in world a successful writer. In this passage, aspiring writer Melusina Fay Peirce writes to novelist Marian Evans Lewes asking if beginning writing at 30 is too old. Evans is moved by this letter and responds mentioning thirty is not too old. In the letter, she comments that redden an double-dyed(a) writer such as herself is seldom satisfied with hours of act as. It is impossible to be an accomplished writer with let on having days of wisdom behind you. Throughout the passage, she utilizes various persuasive techniques such as refutation and analogies in dress to depict novice work as tasteless. In Lewes response to Peirce, she incorporates many rhetorical strategies in enunciate to state that writers essential prepare to be unsatisfied and must not be concerned near flattery because success in writing comes only with maturity.In the beginning of the letter, Evans uses a plethora of rhe torical strategies which suggest that in order to be a writer one must be pay hazard to be unsatisfied. Evans declares her consciousness is not of the triumphant kind. Beginning her letter with a refutation immediately conveys that being a writer is a difficult life. Although one may put hours of hard work into a novel, satisfaction is not always achieved. She then states that Exultation is a dream before achievement and rarely comes after. Evans suggests that she often fancies admiration before her work is finished only to encounter a deficiency of acclaim after. While Lewes may be a praised writer, she shocks Peirce when saying she is rarely commended for her work writers dreams are seldom met.When encountering the overlook of the praise writers such as Evans tend to feel like a poor husk. Evans uses this word to convey the emptiness in which she feels after writing. One always feels like it is possible to create better work but doesnt know where to look. She then continues on and inquire to Peirce Does these seem melancholy?. This rhetorical question implies that these feelings of soreness and emptiness are far less melancholy than self-flattery. This connects to the refutation at the beginning of the paragraph stating that writers seldom feel triumphant. Using the various strategies, Evans conveys that to be a writer one must not be concerned about flattery and must be prepared to be unfulfilled.In the next paragraph, Evans refutes Peirces briny concern of being too old to start writing by giving support to the psyche that success come with maturity. Lewes responds by mentioning not to fancy yourself old because you are thirty, or to regret you exhaust not written anything. This refutation replies to Peirces concern that she is too old and tells Peirce not to worry. She then states that it does not even matter if one hasnt written anything prior to being an established writer. Lewes then mentions that the writing of a two-year-old writer is no bette r than trashy, unripe fruit. The underdeveloped fruit mirrors the underdeveloped minds and writing of the young writers. He then states that there is nothing worse than a writer who has exhausted himself.One cannot burn out writing all of their material while young. A successful writer needs to be patient, as triumph in literature comes with experience in e genuinelyday life. Towards the end of the letter, Evans reflects that when she was young she began a branch of writing which had no great glory belonging to it, but which she mat up certain she could do dependably and well. This anecdote also works as an emotional appeal as it sympathizes with Peircr, implying mutual feelings both writers felt while young. Evans suggests that mature and older writers are more patient in their writing, consequently producing better works. Evans is very persuasive in her position which states achievements in writings will come along with maturity.In Lewess letter to Peirce, she includes numerous persuasive techniques in order to convey that writers must prepare to be unsatisfied and must not be concerned about flattery because success in writing only comes with maturity. Evanss of import point is that one is never too old to begin writing. An aspiring writer shouldnt hold back on account that they havent produced descent works in the past. Wisdom, compassion and insight all come with old age of aging and are needed to produce successful writing.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Hoosiers Essay Example for Free

Hoosiers EssayHoosiers is a sports film made in 1986 about a basketball ag sort out of high school of a small town in Indiana. The film represents a time during 1952 when every high school in Indiana used to argue in one or the other allege disdains. The film is based on the new direct of the basketball team, Norman Dale who in fact has a past with a spot and has been out of the hazard for nearly more than a decade. The people in the town argon adamant to fire him because they are not sure about the coach, not at all place him and also dis analogous his instruct way. Despite all these opposing, Coach Dale sets himself focused and finally brings the whole team together and helps it to win the state championship and at the same time wins the heart of the people too.Coach Dale explains to the team members that it becomes necessary to exercise different loss leadership styluss in different situations. One of the styles that help the team members to unite and win the cham pionship is authoritative style. initially, in fact immediately in his first interaction with the team members, Coach Dale applies this style on them and asks Ray to keep out of the post just because he didnt follow his instruction manual word by word. The exposure is of course about a high school basketball team however it depicts that a persons leadership and right directions can lead even a community and if one were focused on his goal, he would definitely achieve it.Authoritative style is, in fact, uniting the members of the team by focusing on a common goal that has to be achieved but here the members are to follow the instructions of their leader on the way of achieving the goal. But in this movie it was not only the leadership style but also lot of other characteristics of Coach Dale like his optimism, self-confidence, farsightedness, enthusiasm, toughness and of course motivation, that helped the team to win and follow his instructions. There are times when authoritative style of leadership seems to look like dictatorial or bossy but it best fits in situations when the leader has the best knowledge and experience as compared to other members of the team or when time limit is less(prenominal) for the group to take decisions.Authoritative style of leadership becomes important when the goal is common but the group members are not very sure about the ways to achieve it but the leader has a concrete idea, which if followed there is maximum chance of achieving the goal. The whole and sole responsibility lies on the leaders shoulders and he or she must have the expertise and should possess all the basic and detailed learning to handle the situation. In the movie, Coach Dale has his goal focused and applies this style of leadership most of the time because he has the self-confidence and farsightedness in him along with the experience of the game much more than the other members of the team. Initially his players dont listen to him and two among them even walk away because they dont trust him and to follow mortal it is very important to have faith in his words.The movie focuses on the consequence of determination and importance of right leadership in not only a basketball game but in life too. When it becomes difficult toachieve the target in life and you have someone who has the confidence and expertise to guide you, you must follow him and trust him.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The portrayal of Crooks In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay Example for Free

The portrayal of Crooks In the story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck EssayIn the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck we bring out about the daily life of the black stable-buck Crooks and how he is portrayed by the life on the ranch.American people in the 1930s were in the midst of a Great depression. The Great Depression impact e very(prenominal)body. Many people became unemployed and work that was available was hard to find. During the Great Depression, the Wall Street Crash, which was the fall in of the stock market. The share switchers lost lots of money and found it necessary to reduce the number of employed to excuse money. Between 1928 and 1933, industrial and farm production fell by 40% and wages by 60%. In 1933 14 million were unemployed and farm prices had fallen, so the cost of transporting animals cost more than the animals were worth(predicate) and the in grow out slipped to $5 billion. Therefore, for the white worker life was exceptionally hard.Also in the 1930s, black people suffered from racial prejudice. This made the blacks feel worthless and they did not mix with the whites. The cause of this prejudice was the reminisce of the slave deal which happened in the 18th and 19th century. White Americans considered the blacks as worthless and treated them as lowly citizens, mayhap comparable to that of animals. When people saw sense the law changed and the slave trade was stopped. In edition to the personal effects of the Great Depression, and the inequality white workers suffered is the issue of racial prejudice.In the novel, John Steinbeck creates a character called Crooks. He excludes himself from the white workers because of the racial prejudice he has suffered in the past. Crooks lives in the decree room instead of the post house with the white workers, this is the result of homophiley years of racial prejudice and exclusion.had his bunk in the harness roomCrooks is a tall old black man with a crooked back. He has no frien ds in the ranch because he is only the black man and the white workers dont like to mix with him.guys dont come into a colored mans room verymuch.Crooks is permanent to the ranch as the others are not, so oer the years he has picked up more possessions. As he lives in his own room he can also have more things than the other workers and he can leave all his objects on the floor. The result of an accident made his back go cripple, this meant it was hard to travel and this helped to gain personal possessions.unconnected about the floor were a number of personalpossessionsbeing a stable buck and a cripple, he was morepermanentAs Crooks was cripple he felt intimidated so he had a shot gun in his room. Although it could be used for shooting vermin and for his job, but it skill also be used for the intimidation of other people.and a single-barreled shotgun.In the novel it tells us that Crooks has lots of chief(prenominal)tains, this includes the Californian civil rights book. These book s seem to comfort him as he has no friends. The civil rights book shows us that he knows his rights and knows how he should be treateda mauled copy of the Californian civil rights compute for1905.In addition to Crooks privacy and isolation the dialogue between Crooks and Lennie is tight and Crooks seems to be angry at Lennie for coming into his room to be friendly.you got no right to come in my roomyou go on get outta my room.Crooks also might be afraid of Lennie. This might be because Lennie is a big man and he does not know his own strength.a huge manHe stood up and travel dangerously towards Crooks.Whilst Crooks and Lennie are talking Crooks makes Lennie get angry because he said that George might not come back. Lennie relies on George for everything and he would not like it if George left him.Spose George dont come back no more. George wouldnt do cypher like that. I been withGeorge a long time. Hell come back tonight -Lennie has a very babyish mind and can really only talk ab out one thing. He gets obsessions. deal when he was talking to Crooks, he would not stop talking about what George and him are going to do when they get enough money and slims pups that he likes.The rabbits were gonna get, and I get to tend emHow long do you have in mind itll be before them pups will be old enough to pet?Crooks thinks it funny to come apart Lennie because of his simple mind. This is because Lennie relies on George and Crooks has picked up on it and calls him names.Your crazy as a wedge.Jus talks, an you dont understand nothing.Besides Crooks experiencing loneliness another character in the novel Curleys wife also experiences it because she is the only woman in the ranch. Curleys wife admits to Lennie that she is lonely and that she only wants someone to talk to.I get lonely.The reason why she is lonely is because she lives in a patriarchal society. The male dominated society means that when she is bored she flirts with all the men and they think that she is alwa ys giving them the eye.I seen her give slim the eye.To sidereal day, on that point is still an issue on racism. In the fifties and the sixties a lot of icons have come forward to fight the rights of inequality. Some of the main ones are Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. Martin Luther King fought in the non violence matter and Malcolm X fought in the violence matter. Although they two fought for freedom. Here is a piece from his speechI have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and liveout the true meaning of its creed We hold these truths to beself-evident that all men are created equal.To the present day people have died with racism, but it is not so much an issue. People have been brought up to treat everyone as equals, although at that place are a small minority that dont. This shows that the 1930s were prone to racism and loneliness among blacks and that nowadays there is little.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Southwest Airlines Essay Example for Free

Southwest Airlines EssaySouthwest Airlines (SA) was founded in 1971 afterward a careful market analysis. Its founders believed in a low salute strategy. Through the Wright Amendment, which not and prohibited any air carrier from offering direct service into Love Field from any place beyond Texas and the four contiguous states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico, but also made more vexed the life of passengers coming from outside theses states and forbid the advertising to flights coming from Love Field, the competition made SA consider a differentiation strategy. Which factors became crucial to the winner of this company since its beginning? SA chose airports that were underutilized but were close to metropolitan areas. thither was a main reason for the Aircraft choice, and its entire fleet of Boeing 737s. It was a fuel-efficient fleet, and standardized, making the maintenance easier. Low cost fares, frequent and on-time flights, 15-minute gate turnarounds, hig h aircraft use and point-to-point routes gave them great utility over their direct competitors (Continental Airlines, American or United Airlines).SA also chose to fly to secondary airports and not to have connections with other airline companies. With the increasing success of SA, its competitors started to try to replicate SAs strategy. But the cost structure was not what gave SA the main competitive advantage in the market. The most important attribute was the human capital and the work environment where workers performed their tasks. SAs gracious Resources Department, called The People Department, had a huge impact on employees and on their way of working. Employees are the customer of the Department.The following statement explains what the companys philosophy was By recognizing that our people are the competitive advantage, we own resources and services to prepare our people to be winners, to support the growth and profitability of the company, while preserving the values and particular(prenominal) culture of SA. To provide work quality, employees had to be satisfied and happy with their jobs. Thus, the image and attitude that the crew showed to passengers would be welcomed. They would be more attentive to the passengers needs and consequently increasing their confidence to continue to choose SA as their preferred airline.Consequently, the corporation recorded a low number of complaints showing its notable performance. All employees were conscious(predicate) of their importance within the company to achieve the main objective, which was customer orientation/satisfaction. But they had other functions interior the company. Employees were also called for decision-making process, for the recruitment process, to give opinions about SAs strategy. As such, not everyone entered SAs workforce. After a long and complex process of selection and interviews, those chosen had the characteristics that would fit SAs culture better.Once internal the company, the y turned into companys real assets, they became part of SA family. It was the main objective for distributively employee to make SA a successful company over time. Once SAs success was achieved rapidly, the major competitors implemented the same strategy, adapting it to their business environment. However, they detect that they did not achieve the outlined goals. The most obvious explanation was the existence of cultural differences within each company. Their employees, the way they were organized and the vision that each one had was also different. Here SA had full advantage.It was not scarcely the first move advantage in its strategy but also the fact that its employees found themselves working on and to their family. As I believe the main competitive advantage of SA relies on its unique organizational competence, I do not consider any of the above reasons a serious competitive terror for SA. However, SA should not rely on past successes and ignore its competitors. SA should a lways be looking back to its report and business lessons in order to remain an industry leader through supporting its culture and maintaining the snap on the people, even when and after Kelleher leaves the company.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Abuse of Alcohol Essay Example for Free

The Abuse of Alcohol EssayA large part of the population in the United States abuse or used to abuse alcohol. The wellness and social problems are enormous, leading to an increase in unemployment, homelessness and even death. Alcoholism can cause a lonely and poor life style. Many people use certain excuses to drink such as it is just one party or even I will just have a couple of drinks, but the fact is that they are addicted to alcohol. The Doctors claim that fifty percent of alcoholism is callable to genetic inheritance, but drinking habits also are influenced by their environment and lifestyle, such as theme of friends or stress levels. There are a signs that we can use to identify alcohol abuse, give care problems at school or work (including being late or not showing up) due to drinking. Also, when you cannot control how much you drink, make excuses for your drinking, wake-up in the morning drinking or drink alone and some(prenominal) others signs. Alcohol is a psychol ogically addictive drug that can provide a new field for some people, a world where they are important and happy. When the alcohol wears off they find they are no different so they need to drink more to again became happy. The reality is, that people drink to swallow up their problems or to relieve their stress, not realizing that drinking causes more problems than it can solve, but unfortunately it is a statutory drug that the society does not discriminate against.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Process and Content Theories of Motivation Essay Example for Free

ferment and Content Theories of Motivation Essay at that place atomic number 18 several routine theories of motivation The Vroom Expectancy Theory, the Adams Equity Theory, the Needs-Goal-Setting Theory, and the Reinforcement Theory of Motivation. present our centre of attention is on helping you make a clear-cut distinction between process and electrical capacity. Basically, process theories of motivation focus on how workers needs influence their own behaviour. Here our attention goes beyond motivation, our focal point is on giving you a key conceptual withall to help you consider both the military operation of your direct reports (management) and the performance of your entire organization ( leading). Process is how employees work together, as argue to the what the content, the task, the issue they are working on. An example of process is the way of life in which people interact with individually other during a meeting on the contrary, an example of content is the decision they make in that meeting. Process is hiring (the hiring processes that a company practices) content is the selected candidate that becomes the new employee. Process is the nature in which day-to-day performance conversations take place between the manager and her direct reports content is what gets talked about, agreed upon, and actually understood. Process is the way in which people interact with each other in order to solve a caper content is the actual solution to the problem.Most executives have the unconscious inclination of an orbit to focus on content which is great, thats what they get paid for only if unfortunately most executives also have the unconscious tendency to forget about the process they are using. However, the tint of the process that is apply (the type of meeting that is used to make a decision for example), has an impact on the quality of the resulting content (if the meeting is pitiablely designed, the quality of the resulting decision is li kely to be poorer, but if the meeting is well designed, the quality of the resulting decision is likely to be better).Again, the better the process used, the better the resulting content, and vice versa The poorer the process used, the poorer the resulting content. Do the people in your company despise meetings because they spend too much time in them? The problem is not in the meetings themselves, but in the way your company runs those meetings. Does your company have several low performers? The problem is not in those poor people who perform below standards, but in your companys management practices. Is your company fall behind behind its competition? The problem is not in those high performing organizations, but in the leadership skills of your companys leaders.The process by which a company is led and managed determines its long-term success.heori of Motivation A great company is successful in the long run not because of its great products or services, but because of the natur e of its leadership and management processes. You can have the greatest product or service, but if you wear offt have the appropriate management and leadership processes, your company wont get too far. Its that simple. The next time something doesnt go as you wanted it to go, stop for a second, tone back, get your focus off the content, and take a closer look at the process you are using. How can you improve the process that you are using?

Monday, April 8, 2019

On the Film Zero Dark Thirty and Torture Essay Example for Free

On the Film nil dispirited Thirty and Torture EssayZero unknown Thirty is a 2013 motion picture directed by award-winning director Kathryn Bigelow, and is a narration astir(predicate) the multiple time-skips of how Maya (Jessica Chastain), a new CIA recruit, beat the odds which led to Osama Bin lades crowning(prenominal) cobblers last. Our planes been hijacked. I hope I can be able to pull in your search again, baby. I love you Goodbye were lines from the actual 9/11 audio footage at the beginning of the dash and from that, I thought that Zero Dark Thirty would be an emotionally-touching action-packed ikon. Because of an exciting plot, I expected it to be a thrilling film hardly it turned out to be despicably monotonous. Set in the bustling streets and the danger-prone areas of the Middle East, the set design became largely influential to the film, and it added to the viewers experience. However, if I hadnt whapn that the movie was directed by Academy-Award winner, Kathryn Bigelow, I would have thought that this was directed by an isolated director. The chapter-by-chapter time skip actually took the plot absent from the movie it became choppy and incomprehensible.One mo custodyt we see Ammar (Reda Kateb) being tortured, and then in the next screen, its suddenly two years later. The only praiseworthy action scene in the movie being Osama Bin Ladens ambush, the plot seemed to incline as we see more conversations and less action than what we expected to see. The movie poster also express that the writer, Mark Boal, is an Academy award-winning screenwriter but it puzzles me how he actually got the information about the happenings when CIA trading operations are supposed to be undisclosed. Why would the scriptwriter just name-drop sites that were supposedly top-secret, standardized the existence of Area 51? Thus, the credibility of the events and places seem questionable. More everyplace, the flood of names of terrorists in conversations w as actually confusing and the discussions about situations in ISI were unnecessary. I wanted to see scenes related to finding Abu Ahmed and lastly, Bin Laden. I wanted action, not conversations. Though the pace was unbelievably slow, the cinematography during the bombing in the restaurant Maya and Jennifer were eating at was brilliant.The transition was truly surprise one moment Jennifer was talking to someone over the phone, and then the next, the restaurant was already in pieces and hatful were dying. Mayas expression of pure shock and terror was short captured the camera. The editing of the movie headed by William Goldenberg was realistic, and the bombings were so unpredictable, I was surprised and scared out of my seat. Mostly, the ambush operation in the last 30 transactions of the film was so professionally shot it could pass up as an actual footage. Its the pocketable moments that make this film alive. After the phone call from Mayas highlyvisor, stating that tonight w ill be the ambush, we construe the bonds of the canaries the way they goofed around and gambled, yet still looked out for each other. Viewers always have the printing that soldiers are brute men who would sacrif churl anything and anyone for their purpose, but this scene actually gives the impression that theyre men too who treasure the bonds they have. The only comical relief during the movie was provided by Dans sarcasm and personality.Ironically, this military posture always comes up during the supposedly-heartbreaking torture scenes which do it particularly hard for me to sympathize with Ammar (Reda Kateb). Another highlight of his business office was when Dan fed the monkeys in a CIA site. I remembered the previous scene when Ammar said that Dan was an animal, and as the monkeys stole the ice cream from Dan, I saw how it was similar to their situation. Dan takes and takes from Ammar, but eventually, Ammar gets the best of him when he doesnt provide information. As I conte mplated about the film after watching it, I return the reason why it seemed so bland and dry is because it lacked the action that viewers are used to see in fictional CIA films. The super cool CIA combat and the shooting scenes where the CIA agent never gets shot werent present in the movie. Instead, the movie consisted of CIA operatives who commit mistakes and ultimately get killed, like Jennifer (Jennifer Ehle) we meet heartless CIA agents like Dan (Jason Clarke) who would torture a reality endlessly to get the information he needs. We see unsexy Maya, an ordinary-looking woman who wears identical suits e really day, who got carried away by emotions after Jennifers finish and during her confrontation with Joseph Bradley (Kyle Chandler), and who was almost killed once in an attempt at her life.The film was do up of one-dimensional characters who got frustrated when they cant do anything. I wanted to know the characters more but there was zero character development. There werent even any scenes about Mayas past, like why and how was she recruited out of high school? Did she ever get in touch with Jennifers family after her death? This lack of character personality development and the blankness of her facial expressions in most of her screen time made me wonder why Jessica Chastain is praised for her role in Zero Dark Thirty. Ive recently watched Les Miserables and if Jessica Chastain were to be nominate in the same category as Anne Hathaway for an Oscar, then Chastain could just say that she hallucinationed a dream of winning an Oscar. I wont say that she did not deserve her Golden Globe award, but I never thought shed be nominated for it either. Her portrayal as the angry childly Bin Laden-obsessed CIA agent was so stereotypical she started as the nervous, awkward new CIA operative and then ultimately became the motherfucker, as she puts it, who found Bin Ladens location.Maya always had this expressionless face, as if trying very hard to capture a CIA agents demeanor. In fact, I only began to sympathize with Maya upon the death of Jennifer. Her endless seeking of Bin Laden became more personal from this point, proving that nothing motivates like revenge. I think that the scene where Maya shook her head and then cried actually concludes the plot well because it showed her human side and the dumbfound that has been pushing her all on. She quotes in one scene that her friends got killed because of the hunt and she believes that she has been spared for a reason. This gives justice to her emotions in the end, where she at last breaks down as the realization that she has reached her goal after almost a decade yet the friends she had made along the way were already gone. She is no longer the new, awkward CIA recruit, rather, Maya has become the CIA operative who resorted to all authority possible to take down Osama Bin Laden. With the methods that the movies characters practiced, there has been much speculation whether the film i s pro-torture or not.The director and the writer of the film presented these enhanced interrogation techniques as a part of the pursuit. So for me, its not a pro-torture movie but at the same time, its not anti-torture either. If Zero Dark Thirty were pro-torture, then the viewers should have seen how Ammar gave information after being tortured, but he did not. Instead we see that the key piece to the puzzle for finding Bin Laden was actually served to Dan and Maya over lunch, not during torture time. And if the movie were anti-torture, then there shouldnt have been any torture scenes in the movie leaving Reda Kateb, who played Ammar, with zero talent fee. The film showed that Maya was convinced that the location of Bin Ladens courier, Abu Ahmed, is crucial to the pursuit not because there was information revealed during the torture sessions, rather, its the detainees refusal to give up any information about the courier that connects the dots for Maya.Therefore, the film depicts nu merous, albeit controversial, practices used in Americas pursuit for Osama Bin Laden. It shows that torturing Jihad-driven detainees or buying a man a Lamborghini as bribery werent the ultimate keys for solving the puzzle that led to Bin Laden. No single method can everlasting(a)ly encapsulate the sum of the efforts of the people behind the manhunt for Bin Laden. The totality of their hard work and passion was what the filmmakers strived to partake, so for me, the movie isnt raising any notions on being pro or against these methods. Zero Dark Thirty relays the fact that we tread different paths in life with a great number of sacrifices along the way.Though this movie doesnt live up to its tagline The Greatest Manhunt in History, is still a perfect example of humanitys journey towards his goals. Americans would continue to preserve their seat of power, while the Muslims would continue to do anything to reach Jihad. I wanted to be awed by this film and I wanted to ascertain the char acters emotions, but the film gave me neither. The lack of emotion in Zero Dark Thirty makes me think that the budget for this should have been allocated to a film with a different perspective, like a documentary, and not as a film with actors and actresses playing roles they fail to give color to.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hilton Hotel Differentiation Essay Example for Free

Hilton Hotel Differentiation EssayHilton Hotels is unitary of the biggest players in the US lodging industry. It contributes to about 9% of the union rooms in US lodging market. It has presence in over 78 countries with more than 2500 hotels. populate industry is highly capital intensive industry, so to reduce capital expenditure Hilton Hotels opted for self-owned Hotels as substantially as franchising model with the real estate owners. One of the key features of lodging industry is low shimmy equals for customers. There is very little margin to differentiate from the major competitors in the industry which allow Marriott international, IHG, Accor etc. Key success factor in lodging market is quality of service wizard provides. Hilton Hotels are highly focused about their service level by providing dainty care to the customers.Traditionally, normalisation of service delivery operations has been one of the very difficult tasks in the industry as one has to operate in dif ferent geographies. To resolve this issue and to represent consistent service delivery crossways different hotels they installed an integrated technology infrastructure called OnQ. CRM system built over OnQ helped the firm to provide excellent service to the customers and provide competitive advantage over its competitors. OnQ facilitated the firms CRM (Customer Really Matters) gap at each customer touch point. Reason for successful executing of CRM* The major organizational factor that facilitated the CRM initiative is that the firm had the selfsame(prenominal) technology platform and distribution footprint throughout the brand. * Sharing the risk with the hotel owners and avoiding evidence technology charges encouraged the owners to adopt the CRM system. * Moreover its focus on delivering efficient service to customers likewise placed the foundation among the people for the acceptance of CRM initiative.Issue faced in CRM ImplementationThe major problem during the implement ation of CRM initiative was the delivery of consistent services across each brand event after the CRM systems were in place. This was mainly due to the large number of diversified hotels in the chain across the globeIssues determined by CRM package* With the help of CRM along with recognition of the customer providing personal services was also mathematical. This helps in tailoring the experience according to customer needs and creating a long term relationship. For eg. Rooms shadower be pre-assigned and prepared according to customer preferences. * It was also possible to classify customers along different levels (Gold, rhombus etc.) and providing them with differential services. Tiered system allowed the hotels to prioritize pre-assignment and service delivery by identifying most valuable guests. This results in improving efficiency of service by focusing more on most valuable customers.* To maintain brand name uniform services are to be maintained across the hotel chain. With centralized OnQ infrastructure, it became possible for Hilton Hotels to replicate their services across the various hotels across the globe. * The CRM systems helped the company in differentiating its service as tumesce as optimizing close to of the activities which lead to the reduction in operational costs. For eg. OnQ Reservation used data from the CRM, allows the operator to access callers personal dossier and update their preferences. This helped in reducing the call time as well as promoted the cross selling.Another example is having information prior to arrival of customer helped the firm in maintaining efficiencies curiously during later in the evenings when less staff is easy. * It also helped in service recovery. If a client had some problem during the last visit, identifying the problem helped in responding better next time. * The SALT (Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking) survey helped in getting essential feedback from the customers. * Monitoring of the various bran ds across the chain for quality assurance also became easy. It also enabled the firm to open new hotels at a faster pace and consistently deliver the same service.Summary of AnalysisCRM system implementation at Hilton hotels provided with various benefits in term of improved services, cost reduction improved efficiency. Maintenance cost of CRM system is low as compared to the overall revenue of the firm. currently Hilton Hostels are able to leverage CRM system better than competitors. They still need to search for further options available in improving service using CRM.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Death Penalty in India Essay Example for Free

Death Penalty in India EssayShort Essay on the Capital punishment in India Capital punishment has been a matter of debate for long now, and across the world familiar opinion is, by and large, in favour of abolishing it, as it is increasingly seen as a barbaric flier to check crime.Modern abolitionist jurists are of the view that if killing is wrong, no amount of legal or social sanction can make it right.If it is wrong for a man to kill another man, so it is even for the State to do. Besides, citing statistics, they argue that capital letter punishment has had no visible effect as a deterrent and has utterly failed to bring in a dip in the number of murders, which, according to them, makes capital punishment completely useless(prenominal).Why kill the killers when it helps none and nothing, seems to be the belief. To them, capital punishment is a condemnable measure of no avail that has its place in the annals of history and not in fresh statute books.Abolition of death p enalty is largely seen as a step in the busy of human dignity in line with Article 5 of International Covenant on courtly and Political Rights, 1966 and its protocol in 1989, besides, of course, Article 3 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on December 10, 1948 and Article 21 of our own Constitution.The arguments on the side of the retentionists are equally strong. However, in India the imperious judgeship has made death penalty applicable only to the rarest of rare cases the cases where the act is no less than shocking to human conscience.The landmark cases where the death sentences were awarded in India are Ranga Billa case, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi Assassination case, Laxman Nayak case and most deep in 2004 Hatab case of West Bengal where accused Dhananjoy Chatterjee was hanged on 14 August, 2004, on his birthday, after Supreme Court affirmed the death sentence awarded by the lower courts. The President also declined his plea for pardon.In the division 2003 government laid a Bill in the Parliament, which proposed to add a provision of death penalty in Drugs and Cosmetics Act. After the new government came in power in June 2004, President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam suggested that Parliament should mean the abolition of death sentence altogether.

Zara and H&M Essay Example for Free

Zara and HM EssayZaraHistory of ZaraMarked as the depression esteemed venture of the Inditex group the first terminal of Zara, the chain of Spanish panache stores came into reality on primal A Coruna Street in 1975. In 1985, Amancio Ortega integrated Zara in a new holding political party, Industria de Diseno Textil, INDITEX S.A. The Zara devise concept was well received by the public later in 1976, al number oneing it to expand its ne twainrk of stores to the separate main Spanish cities. During 1981-1988 with the growing popularity Zara started new ventures by multiplying in number non just in Spain but around the world. In two hundred3 enjoying being the eye candy among the look followers Zara entered the home furnishing foodstuff by opening the first Zara home store. E very(prenominal)thing else is a narration today Zara is present in 73 countries, with a network of to a greater extent than than 1,540 stores, ideally located in major cities. Its international p resence all the way shows that national frontiers argon no impediment to sharing a single fashion culture.Product human bodyZaras unique approach to harvesting development is instrumental to their success. Zara gives store managers significant autonomy in some(prenominal) determining the products to display in their stores and which to place on sale, and relaying market research and store trends jeopardize to their headquarters in La Corua. At headquarters there atomic number 18 teams of commercials who bribe this information into accountancy to design and effectively plan and produce all ofZaras products. Zara maintains a design team of 200 people, all of which produce approximately 12,000 new styles per year for Zara. The process of obtaining market information and relaying it to design and achievement teams expedites product development by shortening the throughput time of a product to 3-4 calendar weeks from design to distribution.This process is very different from it s competitors. Many competitors rely on a small elite design team that plans both design and exertion fills well in advance. Stores have little autonomy in deciding which products to display or put on sale because Headquarters plans accordingly and ships quantities as forecasted. Zaras urge to market in product development exceeds the capabilities of its competitors. This in itself provides additional value to stakeholders, customers, and stores in producing quality array at afford adequate prices .Zaras product development capabilities be essential to Zaras business system and future success.Advertising and MarketingZaras unique approach to advertising and marketing is an additional element within their business model that adds to their success. Zara spends 0.3% of total revenues on advertising and marketing. This is significantly less than their competitors who on norm spend 3-4% of their total revenues on similar expenditures. Hence, Zara maintains a cost advantage to th eir competitors in marketing activities. In separate to effectively complete with their peers Zara uses location, store layout, and product life cycles to act as their marketing slam to consumers. For instance, Zara strategically locates all of their stores in prime sell districts for visibility marketing.Additionally, because of the product development cycles mentioned earlier, customers are expert to visit Zara stores often because new items are presented weekly and are often not restocked. This feeling of scarcity encourages customers to come to the stores and buy frequently. Lastly, in order to keep the stores looking fresh and smart Zara invests heavily in their store layouts. They have a testing facility nearby their headquarters in Spain where different types of store layouts are tested.Each Zara store is remodeled every 5 years in order to keep up with current trends. Zara does not invest heavily in direct marketing, though their efforts inimage/ home run marketing do a great deal to attract a loyal customer base. Their cost advantage and ability to maintain brand recognition and customer loyalty are essential elements of Zaras capabilities that build value in the company.The success path Segmentation, Targeting and location* Positioned as a fast fashion brand globally, Zara, targets the mid-market. * Zaras core TG in the country consists of people familiar with the brand much before it entered the country. They are well travelled and aware about global fashion trends * High import duties ensure that the set of Zara remains premium * Does not invest in advertising, and largely relies on PR * It has clearly elect the locations high-end malls where its core target group, that is, the upper bosom class is surely present Zaras Strategy for Growth and PositioningZara believes in Zero advertising. It would rather spend on store expansion than to advertise. However, the minimally advertise in fashion magazines. The rationale behind this is the quic k turnaround of store display, which is around 4 weeks, which renders advertising an inessential cost. Also, Zara concentrates on cost-efficient design to market cycle and focus on showcasing large number of designs annually. The custody in Zara is essential to its success right from the toil to the store level as the feedback generated about fashion performance at store is percolated to the designer and production and furnish chain helps to put the latest styles in 2 weeks time. We indigence to take a look at the factors that determine these strategies and also the shortcomings associated with these strategies * Growing online salesOnline retailing has been growing at a scorching pace in the last decade and considering UK market, more than 14 billion has been spent on online shopping. Zara should try to open online retail shops to cater to the audience who need to shop for standardized version of Zaras products. This also presents an opportunity to display the entire product lines from Zara and can be easily searched. It will enable strong growth in online and well as, offline retail sales.Cultural readjustmentZara did not follow any localization in the countries where it was present and provided only standardized products. Also it believed in providing the latest fashion at the low cost. Thus from the Global Strategy Grid it can be seen that Zara Followed a Global Standardization Strategy. By doing so it hoped to increase its profitability by reducing costs and achieving economies of scale.Entry Mode* Wholly Owned Subsidiaries Zara entered UK markets by opening up wholly owned subsidiaries, to take advantage of the controls that it could exercise in those countries. When it comes to other markets, company also prefers to expand through franchising, joint ventures. dispersal* All production, regardless of its origin, is received at the logistical centers for the brand, from where it is distributed simultaneously to all the stores world replete(p) on a highly frequent and constant basis. * In the case of Zara, distribution takes place twice a week and each delivery always includes new models, so that the stores are constantly refreshing their offer. * The logistics system, based on software designed by the companys own teams, means that the time between receiving an order at the distribution center to the delivery of the well-groundeds in the store is on average 24 hours for European stores and a maximum of 48 hours for American or Asian stores.Manufacturing* A significant proportion of production takes place in the radicals own factories, which mainly manufacture the most cutting-edge garments. The Inditex Group takes direct control of fabric supply, marking and cutting and the final finishing of garments, while subcontracting the garment reservation stage to specialist firms located predominantly in the North-West of the Iberian Peninsula. * The Groups outer suppliers, a high percentage of which are European, generally recei ve the fabric and other elements necessary for make the clothing from Zara itself.Pricing strategyZaras dual price policy Euros for poundsSpanish women wear chain Zara is charging the identical amount in UK pounds as it is Euros in Spanish shops for some of its clothing, potentially netting the retailer broad extra profits at the expense of UK customers.H MHistory of H MThe history of HM started with a man named Erling Persson, who was a Swedish former salesman that became fascinated with Americas high-volume efficient outfits that 8 Barneys and Macys carried. Persson first discovered the outfits when coming to the United States after World War II. Persson brought the retail concept that high turnover produced lower prices and brought it back with him to Sweden. It was then that Erling chose to open his own store which he called Hennes, standing for hers in Swedish. During this time the store only sold womens clothing (International Directory of Company Histories, 1999). The company Hennes was established in 1947 in Vasteras, Sweden and by 1968 Persson had purchased the mens sportswear inventory and property of a Stockholm hunting equipment store which was named Mauritz Widforss.Erling Persson then changed the name of his store Henne to Hennes Mauritz to let out the expansion, and later downgraded to just the abbreviations HM. When Persson began to trade his business overseas he began with Norway in 1964 and then joined Denmark in 1967. Persson bought the inventory, which was a left supply of mens clothing which lead him to expand into mens apparel.By 1970 Hennes Mauritz developed a childrens clothing line and by 1978 the store offered much of all family clothing. With Hennes Mauritz offering a wide range of family clothing, it helped the company expand with the new generation of youth wanting to be able to express their individualities. There are around 2,700 HM stores in more than 40 countries and 94,000 employees all work effortful to bring yo u fashion and quality at the best price.Product designHM designers design fashionable and trendy apparel products that are of respectable quality. Their product line includes t-shirts, fashion shirts, cardigans, jeans, pants, undergarments, dresses, jackets, shoes, purses, jewelry, and other fashionable trendy accessories. HM is able to offer their consumers fine quality apparel at an economically friendly price. Hennes Maurtiz is able to provide superb quality products for a low price due to their reduction of a optic man who buys the material for the company and sells the material for a higher margin. HM buys their apparel fabrics in sight straight from the suppliersPricing strategyThe price strategy of HM is designed based on their customers need which is low price and high fashion. The company purely focuses on following penetration price policy. onward motionTo develop a advancement strategy, a company should firstly identify and understand target audience. (Jobber, 2007). HMs target customers are young women who want more fashion cloth at low price. Young people have plenty access to information. A multi-channel promotion strategy including* advertising,* internet promotion* sales promotionHennes Mauritzs promotional strategy includes mobile marketing through SMS text messaging, celebrities, charities, and popular euphony artists. In doing this mobile marketing strategy consumers receive SMS coupons, mobile banner ads placed on major portals and media sites. Cultural adaptationHM does not change anything from price of a product to commercials. They keep the comparable strategy as they have in their country. Everything remains the same as in the country it first started in. It reduces cost of inventory, aswell as an allowance to an increased product innovation since the company focuses more on developing their product instead or spending too much time difficult to adapt to the market.DistributionHM distribution channel is direct distribution, from producer to customers. By cutting middle transaction, it reduces cost and assures quick delivery, which echoes the concept of fastness and economy. Jobber (2007) suggested that channel selection is affected by producer, product and competitive factors. HM choose to sell clothes and cosmetics in around 2,000 stores which belong to HM. Store selling, on one hand, assures basic access to customers and helps the command from headquarters go to outlets efficiently and correctly.Because the inventory for HM is overbold every day (HM website, 2010), direct command is important for correct adjustment in more than two thousand stores. On the other hand, controlling so many stores gives rise to the managerial cost. Besides stores, HM starts to launch online sale in several areas. It was suggested that well-known fashion retailers have advantages of their brand to attract customers (Marciniak and Bruce, 2004). indeed it is beneficial to take the initiative to launch online shop. And this st ep could satisfy online customers and complement the shortcomings of store sale.ManufacturingHM does not own any factories. Instead, clothes and other products are commissioned from around 700 independent suppliers, primarily in Asia and Europe. The HM buying department plans the range. After that, all practical aspects are dealt with by our production offices. These production offices, where most of the employees are drawn from the local population, are in constant contact with the suppliers.The production offices are responsible for placing the order with the right supplier and for items being produced at the right price, making sure that they are of good quality and delivered at the right time. They also audit that production takes place under good working conditions. The production offices perform extensivesafety and quality testing, including checks for shrinkage, twisting and colorfastness, as well as ensuring that the chemical requirements have been met.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Not So Wonderful World of Eurodisney

The Not So wonderful World of EurodisneyEuro Disney and other Disney argon subsidiaries to Walt Disney guild. This is a courtship field of fool based on Euro Disney to critic all(prenominal)(prenominal)y analyse and answer question of the Not So Wonderful World of EuroDisney- Things ar Better Now at capital of France Disneyland. EuroDisney byset class of surgical procedure was set about with several(prenominal) factors in which hindered their financial growth and achievement in the first of all year of operating th sapre.The case study pass on analyse and answer several questions relating to the Not so Wonderful reality of EuroDisney. The questions are imp everyw presentished down in to five which are 1) Why was Euro Disney performing lamentablely during its first year of operation? Recommend and propose strategies and suggestions to make better the situation? 2) To what degree do you consider that these factors were a) foreseeable and b) manageable by all Eu ro Disney or the parent family Disney? Evaluate the report-cultural merchandising skills of Disney 3) Do you think the current opus commonalty would pass water encountered the same occupations if a location in Spain had been pick outed? 4) If you were the business development manager, what would be the major consideration you would go finished before selecting a location for the next Disneyworld? 5) From your discussion select a location you think go out be the next Disneyland site.By the end of the psychoanalysis, a pass rationality it to be derive on what conduct to the non so wonderful world of EuroDisney, and blend light on mistakes made by the parent comp whatever.CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTIONThe Walt Disney Company is the parent company of Euro Disney and other Disney company in various countries making it a net of external family entertainment network in all house hold around the world with four business diversification which are media networks, parks and resorts, st udio entertainment and consumer products. Disneyland, Disney world and all places Disney confound been cognise as the happiest place on earth, the goal of Walt Disney is opening Disneyland was non to bonny be a pedestal park, but to be a theme park that the unblemished family could enjoy. Although the Walt Disney Company was founded in 1938, it was non until 1952 that the theme park, Disneyland, was opened to the public. When Walt Disney opened an cheer park in the middle of Southern California orange groves in 1955, he changed the way that Americans, and the world, viewed such(prenominal) entertainment. Once the domain of carnival hucksters, amusement parks underwent a significant make all over at the hands of the read/write head of the Disney StudiosWalter Elias Disney is a pi mavener, innovator and possessor of unitary of the most fertile imaginations in the world. He was an American photographic photo producer, maneuveror, screenwriter, voice actor, animator, ent repreneur, entertainer, international icon and philanthropist. Disney is famous for his influence in the field of entertainment during the twentieth century. As the co-founder (with his brother Roy O. Disney) of Walt Disney Productions, Disney became one of the top hat- hunch forwardn motion picture producers in the world. The partnership he co-founded, now known as The Walt Disney Company, today has annual r razeues of approximately U.S. $35 billion. Disney is detailly noned for organism a film producer and a popular showman, as tumefy as an innovator in animation and theme park design. He and his staff created a number of the worlds most famous fictional characters including Mickey Mouse, a character for which Disney him self was the original voice. He received fifty-nine Academy Award nominations and won twenty-six Oscars, including a record four in one year, giving him much awards and nominations than any other individual. He similarly won seven Emmy Awards. He is the nam esake for Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resort theme parks in the unify States, Japan, France, and China.In April 1992, The Walt Disney Company and Affiliated Companies opened a in the buff park for European visitors. It was located by the river Marne any(prenominal) 20 miles east of capital of France and was designed to be the biggest and most lavish theme park that Walt Disney Company had built as compared to other sister companies (Cateora, whole wheat flour, p.615). Nevertheless(prenominal), the development of big theme park in Paris instead arise Euro Disneys start up problems because the management has done some mistakes on project plan. They could non arrange a proper plan. Since the management not able to purposely consider certain outcomes, at that place was a something wrong in planning Euro Disney. The Disney management also did not become ample presumption about the European market as well as they did for their parent mark.CHAPTER 22.0 CASE instructionThe no t-So-Wonderful World of Euro Disney Things Are Better Now at Paris Disneyland.2.1 The questions of case study to be answered dubiousness 1Why was Euro Disney performing pitiablely during its first year of operation? Recommend and propose strategies and suggestions to improve the situation?Question 2To what degree do you consider that these factors were a) foreseeable and b) controllable by either Euro Disney or the parent company Disney?Question 3Evaluate the cross-cultural selling skills of DisneyQuestion 4Do you think the new theme park would pay back encountered the same problems if a location in Spain had been selected? DiscussQuestion 5If you were the business development manager, what would be the major consideration you would go through before selecting a location for the next Disneyworld? From your discussion select a location you think will be the next Disneyland site.CHAPTER 33.0 ANSWERS TO CASE STUDY3.1 Question 1Factors that contributed to Euro Disneys poor performan ce during its first year of operation.Euro Disneys factors of poor performance trade mistakes were present throughout the whole inception of Euro Disney. Euro Disney were faced with several affecting factors which contributed to the failure or poor performance of the company, the factors came along with location, price, and leave out of research in deputise rate, as well as the style of the theme park all played roles in the neglect of success experienced by Euro Disney. The factors that played into the unsuccessful first year could have been foreseen and somewhat tardily by Euro Disney or the parent company, the same goes for their being able to control them. Hostility among the cut had move even as the plans were being set as it was stated earlier, that they did not want American imperialism trespassing(a) their country and nuance. Cateora Graham, p.614 reports, Paris theatre director Mnouchhkin descried Euro Disney as a cultural Chernobyl. In fall 1989, during a visit t o Paris, french columnist pelted Michael Eisner with eggs. The joke going around at the time was, for Euro Disney to adapt properly to France, all seven of snow whites dwarfs should be named Grumpy LocationMany factors contributed to Euro Disney poor performance during the first year of operation and many of these factors could have been alleviated if the proper factors would have been looked at previously. The first problem was the demographics and subsidies, and because the french government made Disney an offer it could not refuse, they located Euro Disney 20miles outside of Paris, a location that was archetype to be very convenient. It played a negative role in the success in the success for Disney. How many people go to Paris to get glimpses of American theme parks? Most of the phaeton going to Paris would spend time travelling the city and its wonders. About 17 million lives less than two hour drive from Paris and another 310 million can fly there at the same tie or less. The French government offered the company much than $1billion in various incentives all in the expectation that project would create 30,000 French jobs. The land came at rock bottom prices, insolent loans were made available, and a dedicated high speed TGV and suburban railway link was also offered by the French. France gave Disney an offer they could not refuse, overlooking the over value franc, bad weather, French people not being known for their hospitality and occasional anti-American demonstration by angry farmers because French agricultural subsidies had been cut, Paris was still chosen to be home of Euro Disney. The climate in Paris was also un adequate and off-season attention was way below expectation. Many landmarks events were competition to Euro Disneys opening year, such event was the one held in Spain. Spain held the world fair in Seville and Barcelona was home to the 1992 Olympics which excessivelyk tourists to area other than Paris. All in all, 1992 was not looki ng fair for Euro Disney in terms of success.Foreign uncontrollable and Exchange rate.In Paris in regards to economic deposits, effective forces, competition, and culture can be held scoreable for Euro Disney misfortune. In opening in the summer of 1992, Europe was enter into quoin and this ca utilize income from catering, merchandise, including souvenirs and foods, hotels to be way below that was expected. High interest rates also caused many currencies to deprecate against Franc leading to more financial difficulties for Euro Disney. In negotiation with France, lawyers were used excessively. The rigid legal approach was criminal offense to the French, who, like most Europeans consider depending on lawyers to reach a conclusion to be last resort. contempt the foreign market uncontrollable hindering the park from the beginning, when Euro Disney opened in the summer of 1992 many trade and operational errors factored into the parks unsuccessful opening.Advertisement made by Eu ro DisneyAnother controllable factor was the imply made by Euro Disney, which factored the poor the poor performing by the Euro Disney in Paris. Euro Disney advertising had emphasised Disney insure as an alluring bit of American rather than an explaining to potential customers what they can actually do for the park. France (2004) reports, all(prenominal) surface that could possibly have an advert placed on it clothing, buses, taxis, myriad walls and billboards, even the snow you lurch on now hawks something. According to Wikipedia encyclopaedia, ad is the promotion of goods and services, companies and ideas, usually performed by an identified sponsor. Company are bombarding us with thousand of advert with only one intention, to persuade us to buy their product. Euro Disneys image marketing did not explain to Europeans that the theme park was or what attractions it had to offer the European consumer. The company advertising focussed on the size of the park and the glamour behind it that this poor marketing strategy hurt over all business. No one in France cared that Euro Disney had cost over $4 billion and that its 4,800 acres embarrass five separate recreation areas, six hotels with way for 5,200 people in all, an entertainment centre, a 27 hole golf course and a wooded campground. The marketing strategy in America was used in France and it backfired when the French visitors stayed away from the park. Yes advertising bombards us everywhere, but it is not without control and regulation by the government, businesses, and citizens. This opens one of the major issues in advertising, the question of law and ethics. The sensitivity perceived by the French in relation to the advert was that, it did not tell them what the citizens will benefit from the EuroDisney, and also the French were not riant with how the Americans use their own advertising style.Poor Management operationThe management of Euro Disney had difficulties due to cultural and lack of commisera teing of the French culture. Operational errors that easily could have been avoided accounted for more troubles than were expected in the Euro Disney. In regards to employees, intoxicant, gateway and hotel prices, and breakfast in the hotel, staffing problems, and regulations regarding pets, many problems cause the Euro Disney misfortune in the first year. The employees dressed code compel on employees prohibited facial hair and limited the use of makeup and jewellery. The lack of understanding by the parent country in regards to the dress culture of the French affected customer patronage. The French did not think dress standards like that existed outside the west military academy. Also the ban on alcohol caused astonishment in a country where glass of wine is normally given for launch and it is necessary as a fork for eating. However banning the alcohol in this theme park could have ever been a consideration is unbelievable and since it was a major issue, this policy of not se rving alcohol in the park was also a hindering factor at Euro Disney. Another factor that leads to poor operation was the price system. Prices involve around Euro Disney were also the cause of it not performing well and not generating profit. consultant who studied the park say that its high admission price 30 percent more that Disney Orlando makes visitors keen to take as many rides as possible, so they spend less time shop for Mickey Mouse ears and such. Prices at the Disney hotel were high compared to other hotels in Paris, the hotels in Paris ranges from $180 to $380 in the Paris metropolis.Staffing problemOne of the major factors in the customer relationship in the international marketing, even at the house servant market is the customer- staff relationship. At Euro Disney, there were staffing approach problems too. The company had tried use the same team work model it did use either in America or Japan, which did not work in France. deep down the first nine weeks of Euro Dis neys operation, roughly 1,000 employees, 10 percent of the employee left. People were go away because they felt they were not being tacit and they were not being treated in an appropriate demeanor that was satisfactory to them. The company actually taught that Monday would be a les prompt day, while Friday a hectic busy time, but the reverse was the case, Monday turned out to be very busy at the Euro Disney.Unforeseen issuesFactors that rattling could not be seen by managers included the approach to European recession, the Golf war in 1991, and increase interest rates. External factors that affected business were also the devaluation of the Franc currency in the international market, which lead to competitors to push the attention of customers to the various sites. These competitors were the worlds fare in Seville and the 199 Olympics, which was held in Barcelona. (Cateora, Graham, p.615)EthnocentrismThe managers of Disney and Euro Disney used their way of doing business, thei r cultural belief and ethics, and what they know and are used to in order to try and get another country to do the same. Cateora Graham describes in more detail, A brainstorming, kick the door down attitude seemed to reign amongst the U.S. decision makers. The authors referred to one former managers comment, We were arrogant, it was like, we were building the Taj Mahal and people will come on our terms. Ethnocentrism is usually referred to as tunnel vision. This view says that one certain ethnic group beliefs about morals is the right one and better than any group. The French saw the American managers as bullies, arrogant, and workaholics. A search for the topic, Business culture Vs French (n.d) refers to Laura Hampton, French ministry of Education as she explains the views that the French have about American business and cultureThe French have a love or hate relationship with the U.S. We are deeply admired for many things (entertainment industry, our policy-making system, our opt imism as a people) but they are also very critical of the role the U.S has played in globalisation which they see threatening their own identity, culture, and language (Regarding management practices) the French are less direct about theory expectation and you have to pay closer attention to the subtle cues given to you.,irrespective the French culture of being the worlds biggest consumers of wine, the management of Disney still hung on their we know best conviction. Male employees had to forbid well groomed as the American managers wanted in this way. Their insensitivity to the French culture guide to a very bad start even though they did relent in some areas such as allowing females employees to wear brightly coloured nails polish and allowing kennels for the quest pets. The French would never dream of release their pets when going on vacation. (Cateora Graham, p 615) determination the major factor that contributed to their poor performance, during their first year of operatio n can be narrowed down to marketing surveysm, which lead to ethnocentrism and self reference criterion.3.1.2 RECOMMENDATION, PROPOSE strategy AND SUGGESTION TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION AT EURO DISNEY.There are several mode in which the controllable factors could be avoided in other to present Euro Disney the success it needful at the first year of business. This means are suggest and proposed as followsThe deliverance of advertising to the customers, not on the physical composition of just the area solely, but on the resources and service that a customer will get from patronising the resort. Advertising should be careful controlled. Society needs to make sure that people are not interpreted in by misleading advertisement. There is a set of principles that all advertisers mustiness follow (Roman Mss, 2003, p.200) put forward the truth, show the truth- the product should look exactly the same way as the consumers will purchase it win the general impression truthful- Advertising is j udged not by what it says, but what consumers thinks it says. (p.201)Ban weasels and dangling companions- All sentences must be clear.Substantiate product claims- must provide evidenced that the claim is lawful.Back testimonials with research.It is life-and-death that cross cultural communication, cooperative decision-making and collaborative problem solving be implemented in multinational corporation management like Disney. It is classical that the management of a multinational corporation work together to get well boundaries and differences and to be able to communicate, and collaborate in order to effectively work together, communicate, make decision, and solve problems as a single entity as globalisation does simple that. This brings the world together. The EuroDisney could use the help of the Disney in turkey in other to be able to handle the cultural difference in French. By understanding the French culture, EuroDisney will be able to bring polices that will be accepted b y the French customers. The French cherish their culture that it is important for EuroDisney to able to adapt the culture and avoid cultural self criterion, rather try to understand the culture of the French.Make use of their number one asset which is gentleman resource in order to apply the best approaches and method and focus on both big and micro economics of the global business. The management from the head quarters branch(in this case, management from the United State) cannot do this alone but will achieve success if he learns from those in the various parts of the world and learns from those who are experts in the various locations and cultures in which they live and work. They will next, approaches communication, sales, customers services, find solutions, developing innovative tactics, and so on. The best way in managing a diverse sales team is to incorporate the sales management from each area and empowering them and learning from them, this system will help the Euro Disne y to overcome the cultural differences and policies that are not suitable for the French workers.Generally as management, it is important to have a general knowledge of domestic activities and policies, and to understand the various cultures and operations of the sales force outside of the United States. This can only be perform by using human resource from which are familiar with the culture of French, company, and cultures, how business is handled in distinguishable parts of the world, varying company policies and operations (although the company is an entity, policies and routines vary slightly, if not extremely, in order to fit out the differences), language and cultural differences, various sales methods, training, customer service, account management, follow up procedures, key account management, and so on. Can only be handled by working with the various sales teams and using their expertise. determination The above mentioned proposed recommendation will tackle the poor per formance at Euro Disney. The first recommendation should be the market research and survey, which will tackle the staffing problem, cultural issues and drafting and delivering of effective promotion,3.2 Question 23.2.1 The factors that could have been foreseeable and controlled by Euro Disney or the parent company. taking a look at the above mentioned factors that lead to the poor performance of Euro Disney in their first year of operation, some of the factors were possibly foreseeable, while some were not foreseeable and uncontrollable. A company reputation and size of Disney is allowed no room for mistakes. The stakes heterogeneous are billions of dollars. Complementary businesses like that of the hotel industry are reliant upon the success on the success of this team park in Paris. Generous funds received from the government and private institutions would have to be made well of. Disney should be able to foreseen the unforeseen.When Euro Disney was established the consideration taking into account is the geographical area and culture as well. However Disney established the Euro Disney based on the nature or American thinking, they expected the Europeans to act as Americans and thrive over newly designed theme park. They forgot that they were producing a massive theme park larger than any other theme park in Europe for the American mentality. They could have calculated the trade rate, and did not calculate the European culture. They could have foreseen the problems mentioned in the above poor performance factors listed.Factors such as those mentioned above are not categorized as the unforeseen rather they are being sort as the expected factors, which Euro Disney or the parent company Disney should have detected. Economics, politics, culture complemented and associated with in depth analysis of the 4Ps follow the basic principles of marketing. Disney should have foreseen the changing economic scene in France with the forthcoming European recession in 1991 . The relationship with the French government should have been handled with greater care and delicacy, because of the size of the investment involved and ultimately, the number of jobs dependant on the success of the Euro Disney. Looking at culture, the parent company can force itself on another people, looking at the cultural pen of the French, which in this case was the European continent. Disney promoted its product, the theme park similar to that of Tokyo Disneyland in Japan believing Europeans wanted their piece of Americana. In international marketing, the needs and wants of the consumer are being indentified, the package presented by Disney to their customer meet neither their needs nor wants. Disney true success lies in adapting to the surrounding culture of the French and Europe as a whole, being marketing oriented in finding success in customer satisfaction. Disney failed in both aspects. Culture is spacious and change occurs when resistance slowly yields to acceptance, so the basis of resistance becomes unimportant or forgotten, which means that on the part of the European community, we are certain to see compromise, but over a period of time. Disney too has to reconcile with the environment it has settled in. we read in the case that Disney does ultimately mend it ways. Making room for continuous change is the best way to go about its business.CONCLUSION most of the factors that lead to the poor performance of EuroDisney in their first year of operation were foreseeable which are the staffing problem, advert problem, and cultural differences and so on, where some factors were not, such as the economic recession at that time in Europe.3.3 Question 3The cross-cultural marketing skills of DisneyThe problem was that in the beginning, cross cultural marketing skills were not used and employed. Taking for example, Disney executives were told that French did not take breakfast in the morning, which lead to downsize but surprisingly, the French do eat br eakfast.Cross cultural marketing would have let the managers know that the Europeans were more energetic and covered more of the Euro Disney theme park and rides than those in the western hemisphere. Therefore, instead of the normally three days stay at the Disney American theme park, the stays were normally shortened to two days stay. The European vacation custom were not being examined so the theme park did not see profits and success as hoped. Americans take short breaks but they take the more often. However, Europeans take one month for holiday. The American managers melodic theme that the Europeans would change their one month tradition and adopt the Americans shorter yet more frequent time off but did not happen. The French schedule remains the same and they would close the office and factory during the entire month of August, which was contrary to what the American do. These factors should have been considered. Cross cultural marketing would have been extremely serviceable but the parent company executives were being quite ethnocentric and it cost a great price. (ibid, p.615) needed to say, their cultural marketing skills were unsatisfactory, in fact, nonexistent. Had they had any skills of this sort, the beginning would have been a success and not such a failure at the start.Therefore, we can say that the skills of Euro Disney cross cultural marketing skill was poor, they did not have skills of cross cultural marketing skills which is the main key in dealings in international trade like Euro Disney. They put an American theme park in the middle of Europe with American mentality, American food, and this did not heed to the cultural values of the Europeans. However, the new CEO in 1993, the park understood their problem and made the changes. They then started their new marketing plan, which included skills of cross cultural values, understanding. They started to include French and European favourites like Zoro and Mary Poppins. They advertising campaig n include famous European characters with the magic kingdom. Within a year, they took off deals boosted.CONCLUSION after the recognition of the problem facing Euro Disney which was the cross cultural marketing skill, which was bad. After some time park understood the pending problem and provided a solution, which was the use of French in their advertising campaign and so on.3.4 Question 43.4.1 New theme park in SpainSpain is a country that accept and receive foreign cultures compared to France, the southerners receive foreign culture with greater fancy compared to the central and east Europeans, in which if Euro Disney would have launched in Spain, Disney would have met less criticism. But we should bear in mind that, Euro Disney is actually built to serve the entire Europe as a whole not just Spain. Therefore, criticism will likely come from other part of Europe, even if Spain receives Americans with warmth.Cultural profile is formed as the bases of international marketing relatio nship, how a product is being marketed in the international market, in a foreign country is based on the cultural variable present in the country. In other for Disney success in marketing the theme park internationally, it will force them never over emphasise the importance of understanding the culture of a foreign culture. A theme park in any part in Europe generally, Spain not excluded will face a varying percent of regal restraints, political risk, culture conflict, and economic disruption as well.Therefore, if Disney places a theme park in Spain, it is believed that the cultural difference will lay a huge role in its success, as suggested earlier. Disney would have to adapt to the customers culture and the culture of Spain generally, and incorporate them into the development, implementation, and operation of a new theme park. The workaholic habits of the Americans is opposite of not just Spains focus of life and family first, but generally Europe as a continent. In the United S tates, people focus more on themselves and individuality is the focus not group (Hofstede cultural dimension).CONCLUSION international marketing is the function associated with culture, what one is able to do in marketing to a particular foreign product is shaped by the cultural variables of the country. A theme park is Spain as in another part of Europe would face a varying proportion of, legal restraints, political risk, culture conflict, and economic disruption.3.5 Question 53.5.1 The major considerations for the next DisneyworldThe consideration for the next Disneyworld should be in Dubai. Dubai should be considers as the next Disneyworld location priority. Dubai (UAE) is the major commercial business hub of the Arab world. Business horizons expand from the west marge of the United States to the eastern Philippine archipelago. Business communities around Europe have created a stronghold here as a gateway to most of Northern Africa, the Middle East and to a limited extent the A sian Subcontinent. Dubai seems to be a good strategic location for the Next Disney world to be established. Dubai is seen as the portal not only to the minority communities from Europe, Asia and Americas but specifically to the Muslim world of over one billion. Then underlying opportunities are immense. The parent company Disney is already a recognise figure in households of the respective location UAE. The relaxed social and cultural atmosphere Dubai possesses over Muslim states should not pose a threat to the continuity of business at Disney in Dubai, which will be called Disney Arabia.Dubai reports a GDP (gross domestic product) per head of US$15,000 to $18,000, one of the highest figures in Asia. The trade balance remains a surplus with over US$500 million. The infrastructure boasts access to telecommunication facilities and transport by land, air and water as state of the art. The diverse ethnic communities level communication barriers between the Arabs and expatriates. All in all, Dubai posses the qualities and the right background to promote the new Disney Arabia to a wider scope of people, both the conservative and the more liberal, foreign and local. Thus, lunching the new Disney subsidiary is obviously not an overnight or one day project, meticulous planning will be needed in defining the eight Ps as pertinent to the Arab world.CONCLUSION it is important to learn from the mistakes that were made when EuroDisnay was started. Having offices and managers from the country will be detrimental. Incorporating Dubai culture and examining the tourist activities, practices and trends will be crucial to the making of breaking of a Disney in Dubai.CHAPTER 44.0 CONCLUSIONEuro Disney faces poor performance during their first year of operation, which makes it important to learn from mistakes that were made when Euro Disney was started. Having offices and managers from th